Mentorships for Photographers
Investing in education is something I hold near and dear to my heart. I firmly believe that the minute you stop learning is the moment you stop growing (as both a person and artist). I started my business completely on my own at the age of 20 after I graduated from PSU. I know how incredibly scary turning your passion into a steady stream of income can be. But after more than 8 years of practicing photography, receiving my BS in Business Administration with a concentration in marketing + management, and 3 amazing years of running Photos by Maggie Kraser, LLC, I’m finally ready to share everything I’ve learned so far with you!
I’m prepared to cover topics such as (but not limited to): The basics of working your camera, location scouting, posing subjects, how to manipulate both natural and artificial lighting, editing, re-touching, forming an LLC, bookkeeping, marketing to your ideal client, photography workflow, client communications, gathering inspiration for photoshoots, short-form video content, and social media.
Online Mentorship Session
1 hour Zoom/Facetime open discussion call
$500 + PA Sales Tax
In-Person Mentorship Session
1 hour in-person open discussion followed by a styled photoshoot
$850 + PA Sales Tax
"The mentorship I had with Maggie was an amazing experience. Everything that could've been thought of was preplanned and the knowledge I gained from it was unparalleled to anything I could've learned on my own or from conventional knowledge standpoints. We began with a long talk about the functions of the business and the differences seen with going out on your own. I learned so much about contracts and clauses, the best streamlined software, and really just anything along the lines of dealing with clients. After our chat our models showed up and I was guided through a shoot while being shown how to work with clients. Maggie showed prompts to get the most natural reactions out of our subjects and what the photographers job is while your models follow your directions. I am very grateful for everything I learned and am very thankful for all the help I was given!!!" - Christian H.